Millions of students around the world use free licenses for homework and course projects.
Allows you to work with a whole class of users, and its price takes into account the specifics of the budget of educational institutions.
Today, advanced computer simulation technologies are widely used in the development and optimization of products at all large industrial enterprises in all industries. It is quite natural that the need of enterprises for qualified CAE (Computer Aided Engineering) specialists is growing rapidly. We know that the path to becoming a professional begins at the University and, due to the fact that our goal is, first of all, to transfer knowledge about the effective use of specialized CAE software, we offer universities and students software, educational materials and a ready-made curriculum with lectures and seminars for the preparation of qualified engineers.
On our Educational Platform, we provide students with the opportunity to improve their own level of knowledge and improve their skills in working with CAE software.
Millions of students around the world use free licenses for homework and course projects.
Allows you to work with a whole class of users, and its price takes into account the specifics of the budget of educational institutions.
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Telegram — @cursor_infoOur comprehensive portfolio of solutions is available to educators and students for a wide variety of teaching, learning and project implementation needs. Student Edition licenses are available absolutely free of charge. You can download them by filling out an application on the solution pages on our website.
Teacher licenses also include functionality similar to commercial products, but some functionality is limited. The license allows you to work with a whole class of users, and its price takes into account the specifics of the budget of educational institutions. The package is intended for teaching and project work only. It cannot be used for fundamental research, such as dissertations.
The licenses provide the same functionality as the commercial products. It is a powerful tool for modern research. Students with any degree, from bachelors to masters and graduate students, as well as research assistants with doctoral degrees, can analyze and solve realistic design problems. Powerful, customizable helper workflows give you the flexibility to model and explore complex materials, create models without size limits, and complete any modeling task with parallel processing. The package can be used for scientific or educational purposes.
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